Featuring on Love Lounge on EbonyLife TV

Hello All,

First of all, I need to thank you all for your support and your stories and for sharing what you read and see here with others.That said, I wanted to humbly let you know about some great news! I am currently featuring on the brand new show “Love Lounge” on the brand new TV Network “EbonyLife TV” in Nigeria.It’s not even as much that I’m on TV (even though that's super cool) that makes this great news…I think it’s even more that it’s on EbonyLife TV. The folks behind the network have worked really hard at delivering great programming for a great audience. I really love being a part of something fresh and cool.The feedback on the network is already outstanding and it’s only going to get better.See the programming schedule for EbonyLife TV HERE , visit the Love Lounge face book page HERE and visit their twitter page HERE

Really happy to be a part of this and hope you get a chance to watch.Stay tuned for the talks (videos) from the last event.

My very best,

Tobi Atte


How to receive CONSTRUCTIVE criticism


Paintings, Instagram and Mirrors